
Thoughtless (Draco x Reader) 1

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Chapter 1 Insecure

       I was sitting under an old oak near Black Lake trying to study but my thoughts wouldn't let me. Why am I even here? What good am I doing when I not even wanted in my own common room let alone anywhere else? I thought senselessly, I'm just a stupid mudblood, Pansy hade made shore that everyone knew that. Why was I put in Slytherin anyways? It makes no sense I don't even act like the rude asses that they are. Ahh! Why am I thinking of this? I shouldn't care. They don't even know what I'm capable of those posers. "That's it!", I shouted," I'm done worrying about it. "

      "Done worrying about what (y/n)?", The blond-headed boy asked.

      "Oh! Draco you scared me. What are you doing here without your little band of trouble makers?" I asked my voice laced with venom.

      "Hey I asked you a question first!" he shouted. God when will he ever get a clue! Why does he make me angry every time I see him?

"Which I chose not to answer. Now will you go bug your little groupies and leave me alone?"

      "Stupid mudblood! Why are you even hear? Why don't you act like a Slytherin? Your a disgrace to MY house!" He spat back at me.

      "What's wrong Draco? Is this fowl creature bothering you?" Just great when I thought my life couldn't get worse she had to show up!

"Pansy? Where'd you go?" asked Crabbe breathlessly, "Draco asked us to go to the common room and whet for him there."

      "Well, this is were I take my leave. Goodbye annoying jerks. Have a nice rest of your day." I said sarcastically but cheerfully with a fake smile. After that, walking away mumbling "Stupide nosey asses." Which surprisingly gained at chuckle from Draco.

        ~ timeo skipo ~ 

       Well time for diner. At least I had a few things to  look for. "Hey Millicent, what are you doing now?" I asked the black haired roommate of mine. Who was burred in a book for potions class, I think. Millicent Bulstrode my roommate and friend. At least there was one Slytherin that didn't snub me because of my bloodline. "Studying for the quiz so early? You know it's not until Monday. And if I recall correctly today is Wednesday."

      "Oh ha ha (y/n). I'm not super smart like you, ya know. Still can't believe your tied with Hermine Granger at being top student! And you NEVER take notes or study!" She shouted a little too loudly for my liking. Great now EVERBODY was staring at me. You name 'em they where staring. At this moment I saw the Golden Group staring at me. Great now THEY are staring! I  ought to  smother Millicent in her sleep tonight .

"Why do you always have to yell about my grades Mill?" I inquired while sitting down as food appeared before us. Yay spaghetti, looks like it's toast and pumpkin juice for dinner! 
     "Because I'm your friend and I like to brag about you." she said as she stuffed her face with spaghetti.
     "Yuck! How you can eat that stuff is beyond me." I said nibbling on some toast.

     "Really? I thought all Americans liked this food?" The cold, unfeeling voice I knew all to well asked while my back stiffened.

     "Typical Malfoy always going for the stereotypes. No not all Americans like this crap and I just happen to be one of them. No offense to the house-elves because they're great cooks. But I don't like spaghetti and never will." I spat with a vengeance.

     "Oh! I never would have thought that Americans can be individuals!" he spat out viciously.

     "Oi! I give up!" I yelled throwing my hands up in the air and standing up. While trying to leave Malfoy stopped me.

     "What are you gonna cry (y/n)?" He yelled claiming everybody's attention including the teachers but Dumbledoor told them not to interfere. 

     "Get out of my way Bitch-Boy before I give you something worth crying over, you jackass!" I screamed takeing out my wand, a 14 7/8" ash wand with dragon heartstring.
     "I'm SO scared (y/n)! Not your wand!" He said sarcastically takeing out his wand.

     "That's it Mother Fucker now you've made me angry!" I shouted tossing my wand on the table "Expelliarmus!" I yelled with on outstretched hand disarming him as everyone stared about how much power and concentration I had. Even the teachers were silent.

     "Furnunculus! You really think you can top me? I may be a Muggle-Born witch But you will never be as powerful as I am Draco Malfoy. Flipendo!" Hey flew back momentarily disabled till he spotted his wand in front of him.

    "Immobulus!" he shouted.

    " Ha! Like I said you can't stop me." I bragged while quickly dogging the attack. "Stupefy! You will NEVER win against me. Do you understand me now?" I stated walking to him as he watched me. I took his wand and threw it down the aisle. with an outstretched hand and a soft smile I asked "You want a hand up?"
    Looking down he slapped my hand and said sheepishly," I don't need a mudbloods help."

    "Fine, whatever jerk." I stated heading out the door leaving the Great Hall in an uproar.

Some cruse words. J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter. I own my story.

You just pissed off the Prince of Slytherins.  
© 2015 - 2024 ZarinaAutumn
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